Monday, June 23, 2008

Fetch Art 2.0 Released as Beta

Hi all.  I wasn't able to test the new version of Fetch Art enough, so I am releasing this as a beta.

If you encounter any problems please report back to me whether you are on an Intel Mac or not and the name of the song that caused the issue.  If you can include a screenshot of the problem, do that too!

Email me at for support.

Also if you use it without any issues, I'd love to hear back from you.  Post to this blog with your comments.

You can download the new beta version here.

CHANGES in version 2.0: 
1) Fixes for compatibility with Amazon's new search web service. 
2) Improvements in accuracy logic in searching for art.
3) Added the option of skipping tracks that already have art 
4) Improved Unicode/extended character support 
5) Removed dependency on Perl which has caused problems when Mac OS X updates caused changes to Perl 
6) Increased performance by removing dependency on custom C application for image conversions. 
7) Added support for searches on Amazon Japan, France, and Canada as well as including the ones previously supported which were US, UK, and Germany

Fetch Art 2.0 Being Released...

I'm currently updating the files on my server.  The new 2.0 version will be available for download within the next hour.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fetch Art 2.0 to be Released in One More Day

I still have to build the installer and update the files on my server, but the new improved Fetch Art 2.0 should by out by late Monday night (June 23, 2008)  I'm in GMT -7:00 time zone (that's Mountain Standard with no daylight savings) and that's Monday night, my time ;-)

Stay tuned right here...