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This is a blog devoted to supporting and supplying news about Fetch Art. Fetch Art is a Mac OS X application for adding cover art to your music in iTunes. It's useful if you've ripped music from your own CDs and iTunes doesn’t have the art or if you don't have an iTunes store account. If you are looking for my Tech Blog, a blog covering all technical issues and solutions that I come across in my life, you can find it here Aric's Tech Blog
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I am getting a script error that locks fetch art, can't quite at all. Can't restart the computer, I have to turn it off by holding the "on" switch. I get this either when the program is getting info from a search or loading the art to iTunes.... what to do?
I do have the same issue; can download some into itune then ...
files are not seen by mac (not in library ... but they are in (appzapper sees them)
I do hva the same issue; download some into itune, then ...
appzapper sees files but they do not appear in library ...
I get an error when selecting the menu item.
Can't get every 〈〈class prcs〉〉 of application "Finder"
I got the applescript error, removed fetch art with appdelete and am left with an icon in my menubar I can't remove. I've also lost those arrows in itunes that link individual tracks to the itunes store. I suspect fetch art is the culprit as they disappeared at the same time.
@ Guy
To uninstall FetchArt, just follow the information here:
You probably missed the last step, removing the script folder.
As for missing links in iTunes, FetchArt is a simple script. It doesn't modify iTunes at all, and cannot have removed the arrows linking to the music store.
@ everyone else. doesn't always notify me of comments. I'm surprised to see so many here that I didn't even know were made. The AppleScript errors you are seeing are unusual, however, I am willing to work with you to try and resolve them. Please email me at for support.
cheers, it was where you said. don't know why appdelete didnt spot it. sorry I was quick to accuse regarding the arrows, must have been a coincidence it occurred at the same time. have to keep on looking for a solution to that one. not that i ever used the arrows.
Thanks for Fetch Art! really nice app! I found most of the Arts, some of them where not correct, though. When I tried to uninstall it, the script remains in iTunes. I checked the uninstallation instructions posted elsewhere. I removed the application and looked for the scripts folder in Library>iTunes, but there´s no a Script folder in there. Still, the Fetch Art script keeps appearing in iTunes. Am I missing anything?? I need some help, please!
Did you look in both libraries? It was under the one in macintosh HD in mine not the library under my name. Hope that helps.
Thanks Guy!! i found it right there, in the Macintosh HD Library!! i had even tried with spotlight withouth success!! now its gone! Thanks for your help!
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