Monday, October 29, 2007

Fetch Art Not Yet Tested with Mac OS X Leopard 10.5

Just a quick heads up to all my users, I have the new Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard on order from Amazon, however, I haven’t received it yet.

Because I don’t have it yet, I cannot verify if Leopard breaks anything with Fetch Art. I’ve gotten a few emails from users who have had trouble running Fetch Art after upgrading to Leopard.

So… until I can test it out, I cannot say if Fetch Art is compatible with Leopard yet.

Please feel free to leave comments on this blog reporting success or failures with leopard and as soon as I receive my copy of Leopard I will post here with my findings as well.


Martin said...

not working for me - leads to an error?

Unknown said...

It doesn't work for me either. I get the "Error copying artwork" message.
This is the first I have tried Fetch Art so it may not be related to Leopard.

I can help with testing and or developing a fix for this if you want.

Unknown said...

I have the same problem.

Thanks for your time!

Lanlord said...

Add me to your list. Same error when copying to itunes. "error copying artwork"

If you need a beta tester I would love to assist. Fetch Art is by far the best app out there for copying in album art.

A Vásquez said...

Doesn't work for me either.... i'm really sad! it's a really good aplication!! if i can help tell me, i will help for the cause!

Unknown said...

I also have a problem when trying to copy artwork to iTunes since my update to leopard

bod said...

same problem with 10.5 run same software on 10.4 no problems so looks like a 10.5 bug keep up the good work peace out

israellebanon said...

not working for me at all on Leopard MacOSx 10.5 and last itune version 7.3. starts the process but cannot find art from amazon